April 12, 2025 (Saturday) 10:00am-5:00pm
April 13, 2025 (Sunday) 10:00am-4:00pm
More than 200 quilts on display, plus regional vendors and refreshments provided by members
Admission: Adults $5.00, Seniors and Children Under 10 $3.00
Latah County Fairgrounds, Moscow, Idaho
The big event for all Palouse Patchers is the annual Quilt Show held in April. The show has been an annual event since 1981 and just gets better every year. A beautiful raffle quilt is made each year and tickets are sold at the fair and up to the end of the show. The raffle quilt is displayed at local businesses and at the quilt show. The lucky winner is drawn near the end of the show. Proceeds help fund our educational events and are also dispersed to a variety of community organizations with the approval of the membership.
Quilt Show Flyer
Quilt Show Entry Form
Quilt Show Merchant Mall Information Packet
2025 Raffle Quilt

Quilt Show Co-Chairman's Challenge
“My Dream Vacay”
Create a piece depicting a trip you have taken, are going to take soon, or is on your dream bucket list. Think broadly and worldwide—and show us your “Trip of Dreams” location!
MAXIMUM SIZE: 20” x 24”
BINDING TYPE: Your choice
Janet Freitag Memorial Challenge and Award
The Challenge is open to members of Palouse Patchers. There is a $50 prize for each year's winner! All entries must be designated as a Janet Freitag Challenge entry in order to be considered for the award. The entries for this Challenge will be hung together so that they can be easily found for viewing and judging. Only Palouse Patchers members are eligible to enter this challenge and the winner will be selected by special ballot of Palouse Patchers members during the Friday Family Night viewing prior to the Quilt Show.
“Bermuda Triangles”
Do you get lost trying to use up your leftover triangles? It’s time to start mapping out a plan!
This year’s JFC is Bermuda Triangles – use as many triangle pieces as you can, any shape or size. There will be an additional prize for the quilt that uses the most triangles. You may use any technique and binding method you like. Get creative!
MAXIMUM SIZE: 250” – measure 2x top + 2x side = 250”
Two Awards: $50 Janet Freitag Challenge Award
$50 for use of the most triangles in the piece
About the Challenge and Award
The Janet Freitag Memorial Challenge and Award was instituted in memory of former Palouse Patcher, Janet Freitag, who died after a long bout with cancer. Her husband started the Janet Freitag Memorial Endowment Fund and each year a cash award of $50 is given to the winner of the Challenge. The award money comes from the interest earned by the endowment principal. The Challenge and Award is only for Palouse Patchers members.

2025 Cookie Challenge – International Cookies
As we journey on our Trip of Dreams Around the World, we would like to challenge you to find an international cookie recipe to make for the kitchen next year. Part of our commitment to Palouse Patchers as a member, in lieu of paying dues, is to provide two dozen cookies for the refreshment area at the quilt show. Start your search now!