February Palouse Patchers Newsletter 

Palouse Patchers Meeting 7:00 PM on

Tuesday, March 4, 2024 
1912 Center, 412 East 3rd Street, Moscow

Meeting program

Palouse Patcher member Karen Hauser talks on “Color by Choice; a Bit of Science, a Few Thoughts, and Lots of Examples of How to Utilize Color in Quilts.” She will review color theory, terminology, and the color wheel, as well as show examples that utilize the art and science of color theory in designing quilts. Karen says “Playing with fabric has been a part of my whole life. I discovered quilting in my early twenties, and have been cutting up fabric, rearranging it, and sewing it back together ever since. I am a retired interior designer, after having been an elementary school librarian. The librarian career may explain my ever-growing collection of quilt books. I also taught various quilting classes over the years. Of all the components of quilts, for me, color, is the most important. Regardless of design, technique, or inspiration, my primary consideration is what colors will be included. I love the interplay of colors, and how a color can change depending on what other   colors are adjacent. Colors evoke emotion, can set or change a mood, and can tie together an entire space. Color is also very personal, which means each quilt is unique unto itself, depending on the maker, its purpose, and the recipient, if it is a gift. Color selection does so much of the heavy lifting in a quilt, and I always enjoy the process of making those choices.” 

There will be Tool Time and remember to bring projects for show and tell.  

From the President – Mary Silvernale-Shook

Get ready to put your volunteer hats on! SignUp Genius links are in this newsletter for our April Quilt Show and April Beasley Spring Craft Fair.  Volunteering is part of our "dues" as being a member and I hope everyone can pitch in as they are able. For our March meeting, be sure to show up a bit early; in addition to our free table, we have more of Debbie Brudie's items coming such as panels and Christmas fabrics. Members of the Donation Committee have been hard at work pricing and organizing the items for sale and to pay you can use cash/check, but we will also be trying out our new Venmo cash app.  

Input Needed – Mary Silvernale-Shook 

With the recent news that the Moscow Joann’s is closing, some members have expressed concerns with the outlook for quilters to shop locally.  One idea suggested was to poll our membership and ask what notions, tools, batting, and such are used most by our members and get that info out to local area quilt shops so they know what we would like most to buy. The idea is to be proactive in providing info to local retailers and our quilt show vendors of items we would like to buy from them. So if you have ideas or thoughts on items, brands, or such, please email them to me at palousepatchersquiltgroup@gmail.com or call/text Mary.

Upcoming events 

  • Raffle quilt at Winter Market, March 1, 2024, 1912 Center

  • March Meeting, March 4, 2025 1912 Center

  • April Meeting, April 1, 2024, 1912 Center

  • April 2-6, 2025 - Quilt Camp at Palouse Divide Lodge

  • April 12-13, 2025 - Palouse Patchers Quilt Show

  • May Meeting, May 6, 2025, 1912 Center

  • June Meeting, June 3, 2025, 1912 Center

  • September Meeting, September 2, 2025, 1912 Center

  • October Meeting, October 7, 2025, 1912 Center

  • Fall 2025 Quilt Camp, October 29-Novermber 2, 2025

  • November Meeting, November 4, 2025

Quilt Show 

Sign up for the Quilt Show Now 

The sign up is now live for the quilt show. Remember that working the quilt show and bringing 2 dozen home made cookies to the quilt show are our only dues for the Palouse Patchers. Please sign up for as many spots as you would like. The link is: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090E4BA5AE29A2F49-55252100-2025#/ 

Quilt Show Coordinators/chairs 

There will be a short meeting prior to the Tuesday Palouse Patchers meeting to discuss roles and responsibilities for the different positions. 

Palouse Patchers Quilt Show Entry - Ready for you to enter quilts 

  • Visit https://forms.gle/KW94wVuZFUt2QmNn8 to enter all your quilts for the 2025 Palouse Patchers Quilt Show.   

  • Please enter quilts by Tuesday, April 2. We will close the entry form after the April Palouse Patchers meeting.  

  • You may enter up to 5 quilts per category for the quilt show. You may enter any recent work that has not been in a previous Patchers show. Palouse Patchers reserves the right to refuse to display a work. Information on your quilts must be provided in this online entry form by Tuesday, April 1. You will receive an email after you enter each quilt. If you do not see your email, please check your spam folder. 

  • Deliver all entered items to the Latah County Fairgrounds, 1021 Harold St, Moscow, Idaho on April 11, Friday morning, 7-9 am. You will be given a claim check when your quilt is received.  If you cannot make these times, please arrange to have your quilts delivered by a friend. After the show, present your claim check at the fairgrounds between 4:45 and 5:15 pm on Sunday, April 13 to pick up your quilt. 

 Please sign up to work a shift or two or three at the quilt show. The sign up genius link is: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090E4BA5AE29A2F49-55252100-2025#/ 

Comfort Quilt News - Jill Huffman and Joan Cass

Be sure to bring in any comfort quilts that you started on the Sew Days in January. Also, we have a new roll of batting for comfort quilts. Contact Jill Huffman if you need some (she is in the phone directory).

Palouse Patchers Library  – Karen Schoepflin Hagen

The Palouse Patchers library is now housed at Kascha Quilts, 148 E Ash St, Genesee.  

Please check Kascha’s Facebook page for current hours, https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100077437912128.

Alien Quilters – New Location at Reb’s Fab Stash - All Welcome!

Alien Quilters small quilting group meets on Thursdays from 12:30 - 3:30 PM.  Starting this week, Thursday, February 1st, we will be meeting at Reb’s Fab Stash’s classroom.  The cost is $5/session.  Reb’s is located off Highway 95 at 1500 Levick St.  There is parking for the classroom at the front of the building off Lauder Avenue, but limited so be prepared to unload and then find street parking if necessary. Bring your unfinished UFO quilting projects and plan to chat and sew!  Email Madeline Martin to get on the email reminder list.

Palouse Patchers Officers for 2024-2025:

Mary Silvernale-Shook, President

Karen Owsley and Pam Ewing, Vice President

Chris Schultz, Treasurer

Joy Stotz, Secretary

Newsletter Information: Please send in Palouse Patchers newsletter items by the 4th Tuesday of every month to patchersnews@gmail.com. The newsletter will go out one week before the meetings. Contact for the newsletter is Margaret Donelick at patchersnews@gmail.com

Palouse Patchers website at http://www.palousepatchers.org

Palouse Patchers Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/pages/Palouse-Patchers/258911240821801