About Us

Palouse Patchers is a quilting group based in the Inland Pacific Northwest community of Moscow, Idaho. We have approximately 175 members of all ages, who come from the surrounding communities of the Palouse region of Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho. The Palouse is a region of rolling hills covered in their own patchwork of farmlands.

The Palouse Patchers Quilt Club currently has over 170 members between the ages of 20-80.  To become a member, just attend the monthly meetings and add your name to the membership list.  Our dues are volunteering at the annual quilt show and providing 2 dozen homemade cookies for the hospitality room during the quilt show.  Members also volunteer in the quilt portion of the annual Latah Country Fair held the third week of September.

Monthly meetings are held on the first Tuesday of the month, September through December, and February through June.  We meet at the 1912 Center, 412 E. 3rd. Street, Moscow, ID.  Social hour begins at 6:30 and the meeting begins at 7PM.  Meetings feature a short business meeting, Show & Tell and a program.  Show & Tell provides an opportunity for members to share their finished projects or works-in-progress.  The December and June meetings begin at 6PM and are potluck parties.  At least twice a year, national quilt teachers come to lecture and offer workshops.


Webpage Background Quilt

The quilt "Palouse Hills" used on the webpage background was made by the Palouse Patchers in 1986. The rolling hills, pea vine, and wheat are representative of the Palouse region. It was designed by Shirley Nilsson, Vicki Purviance, and Monica MacFarland. The full quilt can be seen at McConnell Mansion.  A photograph of the entire quilt is available here.